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Class No Title Sub Title Corporate Author Editor Pub Name Place Of Pub Year Of Pub Sub Name
574.1MUL Elements of Physiology Vol 2 Printed for Taylor and Walton, London London 1843 EARTH SCIENCES
215.741ROGv1 Bridgewater Treatises 5 Volume 1 On the power Wisdom and Goodness of God as menifested in the Creation William Pickering London 1840 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
215.74ROG Bridgewater Treatises 5 Volume2 Animal and Vegetable Physiology Considered with reference to Natural Theology William Pickering London 1840 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
Memorials of the Great Civil War in England From 1646-1652 Vol I Govt Printing Office, Washington 1842
Memorials of the Great Civil War in England From 1646-1652 Vol II Govt Printing Office, Washington
A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nulia and Palestinc in 1845-46 Vol I Printed at Sri Venkateswaram Printing Press, Bombay 1846
A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nulia and Palestinc in 1845-46 Vol II Printed at Sri Venkateswaram Printing Press, Bombay 1846
340.0954STR Hindu Law Kings courts in India Vol 2 Principally with reference to such portions of it as concern the administration of Justice The Athenaeum Press Madras 1859 LAW
080KET Elements of General Knowledge Vol 1 Literature and Science with lists of the Most approved authors C. and J.Rivington, London London 1825 GENERAL COLLECTIONS
080KIT Elements of General Knowledge Vol 2 Literature and Science with lists of the most approved Authors C. and J.Rivington, London London 1825 GENERAL COLLECTIONS
920.994GIB Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, ESQ With memoirs of his life and writings B.Blake, London London 1837 BIOGRAPHY
320.941GLA Political Speeches in Scotland March and April 1880 Andrew Elliot Press Edinburgh 1880 POLITICAL SCIENCE
825BAN Speeches of Babu Surendra Nath Banerjea vol 1 Ram Chandra Palit Jogesh Chandra Banerjea, Calcutta Calcutta 1885 LITERATURE/_______
923.5MUN Life of Major General Sir Thomos Munro, Barl Henry colburn and Richard London 1830 HISTORY/______
914.5632GEL Topography of Rome and its Vicinity Henry G Bohn york Street covent garden london London 1846 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL

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