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Class No Title Sub Title Corporate Author Editor Pub Name Place Of Pub Year Of Pub Sub Name
170CIC Cicero's Three Books of offices or Moral Duties Essay on old age, friendship, scipio's dream Govt Printing Office, Washington washington 1850 ETHICS (MORAL PHILOSOPHY)
100CIC Treatises of M. T. Cicero on the Nature of the Gods On divination, on fate , on the republic, on the laws and on standing for the consulship Henry G.Bohn Publications London 1853 PHILOSOPHY & THEORY
100CIC Academic questions Treatise De Finibus, Tusculan Disputations of M. T. Cicero With sketch of the greek philosophers mentioned by Cicero Henry G.Bohn Publications London 1853 PHILOSOPHY
937.05CAE Caesars s commentaries on the gallic and civil wars Alexandrian african and spanish wars Suoolementar books attribnted Henry G Bohn york Street covent garden london London 1851 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD
Calli Julii Caesari's Opera Onnia Govt Press, Bangalore 1832
920.02MAU Biographical Treasury Universal biography Longman brown Green and longmans London London 1847 BIOGRAPHY
473.21AIN New Abridgment of Ainsworths Dictionary English and Latin for The use of Garmmar Schools William Tegg London 1862 DICTIONARY
946HSP Cabinet Cyclopaedia History of Spain and portugal Jhon Taylor London 1832 HISTORY/______
946HSP Cabinet Cyclopaedia History of Spain and Portugal Jhon Taylor London 1832 HISTORY/______
946HSP Cabinet Cyclopaedia vol 3 History of spain and Portugal Jhon Taylor London 1832 HISTORY/______
946HSP Cabinet Cyclopaedia Vol 4 History of Spain and Portugal Jhon Taylor London 1832 HISTORY/______
946HSP Cabinet Cyclopaedia Vol V History of Spain and Portugal Jhon Taylor London 1833 HISTORY/______
937DES Cabinet Cyclopaedia : History of Italian Republics Longman Press, London London 1832 HISTORY/______
160MIL System of Logic : Ratiocinative and Inductive Vol 1 Being a connected View of the principles of evidence and the Methods of scientific investigation Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer London 1868 PSYCHOLOGY
160MIL System of Logic : Ratiocinative and Inductive Vol 2 Being a connected View of the principles of evidence and the Methods of scienctific investigation Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer London 1868 PSYCHOLOGY

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