QJMS (Quarterly Journal of The Mythic Society) is a peer-reviewed journal. It publishes articles on recent original research in the field of Archaeology, History, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Folklore and allied disciplines.
A. Center your title, followed by your name, followed by your affiliation, postal address and e-mail address. If the article has more than one author, please also provide details of the remaining authors along with the postal address and email id.
B. The article must be in English. Inscriptions can be submitted as image files.
C. The text should be in Arial font and divided into sections and paragraphs. For the title use, the size of the font should be 14 points and for the rest of the document including subheadings, the font size should be 12 points.
D. All headings and subheadings should be marked in bold and subheadings should be italicized.
E. Footnotes should not be used in the article.
F. Endnotes are allowed to give other than references. These should be numbered serially.
G. Quotations can be used in the article. If the author feels it is necessary to give a quotation then in such a case, the word limit should not exceed than 75 words. Quotations from any other language should be transliterated into Roman Text and translated into English.
Dates in the text should be given as (number) (month) (year), no ordinals: e.g. 30 January 2010. Dates should be hyphenated when used adjectivally, e.g. nineteenth-century object, but not in noun phrases, e.g. the early nineteenth century.
Use capitals sparingly: initials and proper names only, e.g. the Near East, but eastern England. Standard archaeological periods are capitalized, e.g. Neolithic, Mesolithic.
Latin words: Latin and other foreign words and abbreviations should only be used sparingly. Commonly used Latin words and abbreviations are not italicized, less common words and abbreviations should be italicized.
A. Each table should be mentioned in the text (Table-1). The title and headings of the table should be included with each table and must be in bold.
B. Figures include line drawings, graphs and maps. Each figure must be cited in the text as Fig. 1 and include a caption in which the word “Fig. 1:” should be in bold. For example:
Fig* 1: Chitradurga Fort: Fortification wall and location of the temples.
.C.Plates will include colour or Black& white photographs. Plates numbers must be (Plate 1). jpg images should be listed with serial numbers with proper captions. The style of writing caption
Rice, B. Lewis, Inscriptions at Sravana Belagola, PL 1: Gommateshwara statue
A. The reference list should contain only the ones cited in the text. They should be typed after the text.
B. As far as possible unpublished manuscripts or those in preparation should not be cited.
C. All references should be arranged alphabetically and chronologically. If more than one publication by the same author in a single year is being cited, then a, b, c and so on should be added immediately after the year and in the list of references, e.g. 1999a, 1999b and so on.
D. All books and journals should be listed in full with no abbreviations. Abbreviated reference forms like ‘ibid’, ‘op cit’ and ‘supra’ are not acceptable. Within the text, all references should be mentioned in parentheses with only the name of the author and the year of publication, and/or the page number; as follows; e.g. (Sundara 1984, 47).
E. Todo: Give examples here instead of the following text. There is no colon after the publication year, and no initials are to be given here.
F. For two or three authors, names must be listed, e.g. (Gupte and Mahajan 1962). In the case of more than three authors, it should be as (Shinde et al. 2007). Here only “et al.” is in italics.
The authors listed on the title page should all have had some involvement in the writing of the article and/or the research and development underlying it. Authors should be listed in descending order of responsibility. We do not accept articles that duplicate previously published work, except in selected cases where the earlier version appeared in a language or format not readily accessible to our readership. We do not accept articles that are or will be under consideration for publication in another journal (“dual submission”) while being reviewed by QJMS: Journal. Authors are strongly encouraged to disclose all relevant financial interests and sources of research funding that could be perceived to compromise the integrity of their article submitted to the journal. We strongly discourage article publication fees articles are scrutinized by review penal based on their merit.
All submissions are reviewed by at least two reviewers who, in the ruling of our editors, is an experts in the subject matter of the paper. In cases where a review is incomplete or ambiguous, or where an author offers substantive criticism of the review, we may send a submission out to one or more additional reviewers before deciding on acceptability. We aim to return the manuscripts with a decision to accept or decline submission by the author.