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Class No Title Sub Title Corporate Author Editor Pub Name Place Of Pub Year Of Pub Sub Name
215.7KIRv1 Bridgewater Treatises -7 Volume 1 Power Wisdom anPower Wisdom and Goodness of God As Manifested in the creation William Pickering London 1835 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
215.7KIR Bridgewater Treatises-7 Volume 2 On the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God Manifested in the Creation William Pickering London 1835 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
574.1MUL Elements of Physiology Vol 1 Printed for Taylor and Walton, London London 1840 EARTH SCIENCES
954.50243946PRI Origin of the Sikh power in the Punjab and Political Life of Maharaja Runjeet Singh An account of the present condtion religion laws and customs of the sikhs Henry t Prinsep Calcutta 1834 HISTORY/______
942.055NIC Memoirs of the life and times of Sir Christopher hatton K.G Including his correspondence with the queen and other distinguished persons Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, London London 1847 GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE
Speeches of the Marquis of Ripan 1880-83 C.J.A.Prichard, Calcutta 1883
923.5MUN Life of Major General Sir Thomas Munro Bart Vol-3 Henry colburn and Richard bentley London 1830 HISTORY/______
215.74CHA Bridgewater Treatises-1 On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God Vol Iand 2 William Collins Glasgow, England 1835 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
821.5POP Political works of Alexander Pope Vol II Robert Carruthers Henry G Bohn London London 1858 ENGLISH POETRY
923.242MAC Life and letters of lord macaulay Vol 1 Longmans Green and co london London 1878 BIOGRAPHY
923.242MAC Life and letter of lord macaulay Vol 2 Longmans, Green and Company London 1878 BIOGRAPHY
808WHA Elements of Rhetoric John W Parker, London London 1851 LITERATURE/_______
938THI History of greece Vol 1 Cabinet cyclopedia Longman orme Brown green London London 1839 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD
938THI History of greece Vol 2 Cabinet cyclopaedia Longman brown Green and longmans London London 1841 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD
938THI History of greece Vol 3 Cabinet cyclopaedia Longman orme Brown green London London 1839 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD

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