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Class No Title Sub Title Corporate Author Editor Pub Name Place Of Pub Year Of Pub Sub Name
943.031ROB History of the reign of Charles the fifth Vol 1 George Routledge and Farringdon Street London 1857 GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE
Geology, Minerology and Physical Geology Bangalore press, Bangalore 1854
340.0942BLA Blackstones commentaries Abridged and adapted to the existing state of the Law and constitution W Maxwell, Bell Yard, Lincoln's Inn London 1855 LAW
330MIL Principels of Political Economics Applications to social philosophy Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer London 1868 ECONOMICS
330.03MAL Definitions in Political Economy John Murray London 1827 ECONOMICS
321.86MIL Considerations on representative government Longmans Green and Co London 1875 POLITICAL SCIENCE
323.44MIL Liberty Savill, Edwards and Co , London 1878 CIVIL & POLITICAL RIGHTS
330CHA Political Economy The Moral State and Prospects of the Society Vol I Sutherland and Knox, London London 1848 ECONOMICS
330CHA Political Economy Vol 2 The Moral State and Prospects of the Society Sutherland and Knox, London London 1848 ECONOMICS
330ROG Manual of Political Economy oxford London 1868 ECONOMICS
663DON Domestic Economy Vol 1 Printing for Longman Press London 1830 TECHNOLOGY (APPLIED SCIENCES)
641DON Domestic Economy Vol 2 Human Food Printed for Longman Press London 1885 TECHNOLOGY (APPLIED SCIENCES)
187CIC Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero vol 2 Henry G Bohn London 1852 PHILOSOPHY & THEORY
187CIC Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero Vol 3 Henry G.Bohn,London London 1852 PHILOSOPHY & THEORY
187CIC Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero Vol 4 Henry G.Bohn,London London 1852 PHILOSOPHY & THEORY

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