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Class No Title Sub Title Corporate Author Editor Pub Name Place Of Pub Year Of Pub Sub Name
940ALI History of europe from the fall of Napoleon Vol 3 Accession of louis napoleon William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London London 1854 GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE
940ALI History of europe from the fall of Napoleon Vol 4 Accession of louis napoleon William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London London 1855 GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE
215PRO Chemistry, Meterology and the function of Digestion Considered with Reference to Natural Theology William Pickering London 1834 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
573.4KID On the Adaptation of External Natura to the Physical Condition of Man William Pickering, London London 1833 LIFE SCIENCE
215.2WHE Astronomy and General Physics Considered with reference to Natural theology William Pickering London 1834 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
611.97BEL Hand : Its Machanism and Vital endoments as evincing Design William Pickering, London London 1834 TECHNOLOGY (APPLIED SCIENCES)
215.5BUC Bridgewater Treatises 6 Volume2 On the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God as manifested in the creationConsidered With Reference to Natural Theology William Pickering London 1836 SCIENCE AND RELIGION
215.5BUCv1 Bridgewater Treatises 6 Volume 1 Geology and Minerology Considered with reference to natural theology William Pickering London 1836 RELIGION
550ANS Geology Introductory Descriptive and practical Vol 1 John Van Voorst, London London 1844 EARTH SCIENCES
550ANS Geology Introductory Descriptive and practical Vol 2 John Van Voorst, London London 1844 EARTH SCIENCES
301FER Essay on the History of civil society T Caddel in the strand London 1773 SOCIAL SCIENCE
Lectures on History and General Policy Vol I K.A.Padhya B.A.L.L.B., Editor, Buddha Prabha, Clock Tower, Nair Buildings, Lamington Road, Bombay 1793
330SMI Enquiry into the Nature and causes of theWealth of Nations Vol II British Government London 1811 LAW
330.016MAC Literature of Political Economy Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans London 1845 ECONOMICS
330.SMI Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the wealth of Nations Vol I with life of the author British Government London 1811 LAW

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