Home / Journals / QJMS Volume 18, Issue 4
Article Details –
Economic Conditions of the Thevaram Period, K R Subramanian, p.268-273
Hamsasandesa –A Study , K Krishnamacharya, 246-255
Hindu Arabic Numerals , Krishnaswami A A Ayyangar, p.256-267
Kannada Passages in the Oxyrhyncus Papyri No.413, S Srikantaya, p.294-341
Malayarayans of Travancore, Krishna L A Iyer, p.241-245
Orientation (Notes) , Ramavarma K Raja, p.342-344
Studies in Bird-Myths No.XXI- On an Aetiological myth about the Golden-backed woodpecker, the Indian spotted woodpecker and other species , Sarat Chandra Mitra, p.288-291
Studies in Plant-Myths No.I On an Aetiological Myth about the Night-Flowering Jessamine , Sarat Chandra Mitra, p.292-293
Suryapragnapti , Shama R Sastry, 274-287